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Advanced Topics

Advanced topics for building sophisticated Farcaster Frames.

Making the initial Frame image dynamic

When a Frame is shared in a cast the metadata for it will generally be scraped and cached so that it can be rendered into users feeds without additional loading. This means whatever URL is set on the initial frame will always be rendered.

In order to make the initial image dynamic you'll need to:

  • serve a dynamic image at a static URL
  • set an appropriate cache header

An example, imagine you want to build a frame where the initial frame shows the current price of ETH. For the initial frame you'd set a static image url like When a GET request is made to this endpoint:

  • the server fetches the latest ETH price from a cache
  • renders an image using a tool like Vercel OG and returns it
  • sets the following header: Cache-Control: public, immutable, no-transform, max-age=60

We recommend setting a non-zero max-age so that the image can get cached and served from CDNs, otherwise users will see a gray image in their feed while the dynamic image is generated and loads. The exact time depends on your application but opt for the longest time that still keeps the image reasonably fresh.

Avoid caching error images when generating dynamic images at static URLs

If you have a static URL that generates a dynamic image and you use a fallback image for cases when you're unable to generate the image, you should set max-age=0 in the Cache-Control header so it does not get cached.

As an example, let's say you generate a dynamic image at /img/eth-price that shows a 24hr chart for the price of ETH. Normally you want this image to be cached for 5 minutes. However, if the ETH price data is unavailable and you render a fallback image you don't want the request cached so that you can try again in subsequent requests.

Data persistence

Vercel KV and Cloudflare Workers KV are convenient options for adding a simple persistence layer to your Frame server.